I've been puttering on weekends, splitting some huge old logs that were cut several years ago, and left sitting. They are weathered, but not rotted, and have been feeding the woodstove that is now in use more often than not. Some are too heavy for me to manage, and are awaiting Mike's return at the end of the week.
Our dogs are well colour coordinated for the fall!
Buck and Rupert are spending their days munching on hay.
More wood splitting. There's something very satisfying about getting firewood in for the winter.
Looking from house to road. I love our cariboo gate. It has no hinges.
Jasper also blends in well with the fall foliage.
In case you've been wondering how Zoey is doing...she's fine! She is a bit of a monkey, and does interesting things like standing on the dining room table when no one is looking, and is about as obedient as she feels like being at any given moment. She is sweet, and well, and very happy.
Looking from gate to house.

A lovely recent sunset.
Hope you're having a fall as lovely as ours. :)